Daniel Boone once said, “Heaven must be a Kentucky kind of place.” Kentucky is a proud state represented by the extraordinary mountains of Appalachia to the rolling fields of the Bluegrass region. The beauty of the landscape in only rivaled by the passion of the people who live here. From the coal miner to the farmer, the college basketball fan to the bourbon aficionado, being from Kentucky means knowing you’re from a state rich in history and tradition, and that’s something to be proud of.
It is that pride and passion for the state and for coffee that led us to open Kentucky Mountain Coffee in 2012. Roasting our coffee in the heart of eastern Kentucky, we operate with one simple philosophy in mind, working hard to ensure our coffee beans are the highest quality and the absolute best for our customers. You can always be sure you’re receiving the finest and freshest ground coffee possible.
Through extensive research and a little experimentation, we offer a full range of coffee blends and flavors. From seasonal to single origin, we have something for everyone. Whether you love Kentucky, love coffee, or like us – love both – Kentucky Mountain Coffee has you covered. We hope you enjoy!

Why Kentucky Mountain?

Made in Kentucky

Highest Quality

Great Taste

Ready to Brew